Online videos are everywhere, from product ads, infomercials to entertainment videos, most of which have subtitles or captions. But, unfortunately, most people take those lines of texts that appear at the bottom of the screen for granted. They think they are usually part of the video and do not understand what turning audio into text is or even what they are called. 

Transcription work has been done for thousands of years. In dynasties past, scribes recorded what happened in court meetings faithfully. However, most of the transcription today is automated. And instead of recording the spoken word manually using writers, many of the transcripts today are real-time transcription by professionals.

Benefits of real-time transcriptions

Technology makes it possible for business processes to be more efficient. Real-time transcription work, for example, provides several benefits to companies and other organizations. 

Quicker turnaround time

Most clients want their projects to be delivered faster, often ahead of schedule. Real-time transcription makes the work quicker, so the delivery is immediate. In audio and video production, the availability of transcripts allows editors to mark the sections where revisions can be made promptly. The editor does not have to switch from watching and editing. Instead, they can do the process using the transcript as a guide. 

Enhances the content’s value

Several businesses use the services of a transcription provider (similar to to produce easy-to-search video content. Since search engine bots cannot crawl videos or audio, captions or transcripts are media that allow search engine bots to read and identify content.

It is also important to note that long transcripts may contain more valuable information that you can break into smaller chunks to create different video presentations. Creating different segments will enhance your appeal to users and bring more web traffic to your site. 

Improves employee focus

Companies regularly hold meetings. In the past, someone was assigned to take notes. Today, most meetings are recorded. Even if the transcription is not in real-time, the written document gives employees a record of the entire meeting. They can use the transcript to check actionable points, deliverables, and project responsibilities. Live transcription is helpful for corporate trainings as it helps them understand and retain information longer. 

Improves accessibility

Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), a stipulation states that public visual and audio materials should be accessible to all persons. The regulation means that it is illegal for audio/video producers in the public sector to eliminate transcriptions or captions from their visual materials. However, the law has been expanded to include all audiovisual materials available to the public.

Additional advantages

Real-time transcription is a productivity booster. And it can do more for the speakers and the listeners/viewers.

  • With real-time transcription, speakers can present with personality, discuss their topic in more detail, and engage the audience better. 
  • If you are using e-learning courses for teaching in the workplace or healthcare management, real-time transcriptions will help the learners absorb information easier and quicker.
  • Your recruitment will be broader, and you can attract other talents who have some disabilities. If you have video posts using real-time transcriptions, it ensures that you can find the employees that best fit your job requirements without discrimination.

Real-time transcription improves inclusivity. With the transcripts, you are ensuring that every viewer can read or hear information. You deliver your message immediately and accurately, especially when time is of the essence.