This industry report offers market estimates and forecasts for the global 3D Printing market followed by in-depth analysis of supply, process, application, end user, and region. The report provides an in-depth analysis and understanding of the current global market scenario, the latest trends and driving forces in the global 3D printing market. Providing a definitive overview of the global 3D Printing market, the report covers various facets of market analysis, product definition, market segmentation, key developments, and the current vendor environment. The Global 3D Printing Market Research Report is spread across all pages and provides exclusive statistics, data, information, 3D Printing market trends and competitive landscape details in this niche sector.

The report is designed to provide in-depth knowledge of 3D Printing about the segmentation of the global 3D Printing market by Solution, Business, End User and Region. This report also assesses the impact on the IP market, different technologies and strategies, supply of raw materials and other key factors in industry verticals at the global and regional levels, including forecasts for 2022-2027.

According to a new report by Gen Consulting Company, the global 3D printing market will grow at a CAGR of 19.7% from 2022 to 2028 and is expected to reach $52.172 million by the end of 2028. As 2022 approaches, industry insiders are understandably excited about the momentum of 3D printing. While many industries are suffering from the effects of the global pandemic, the 3D printing market is showing amazing resilience and growth.

Evolution is accelerating, and recent surveys suggest that 3D printing and other forms of additive manufacturing will have a positive impact, increasing creativity and significantly reducing time-to-market, especially for certain products and services. This trend is heavily skewed towards recent users, suggesting that the next generation of 3D printing users are seeing broader business applications for their printers. Beyond prototyping, traditional barriers to entry into 3D printing have never been lower, and with much of the market becoming more aware of 3D printing as a manufacturing solution, we should expect these entry-level manufacturing systems to support a new wave of users in 2022. Moreover, 3D printing companies can also improve their customer services and satisfaction by studying the demand and competition in such a business industry. They can employ resources such as Conjointly’s Kano Model Tool to analyze their business industry, product prices, performance, attractiveness, and other features to provide the best possible services to the customers.

There has been no shortage of 3D printing projects in 2021 focused on using 3D printing to produce larger-than-usual products and equipment. In 2022, the use of 3D printing will expand as more innovative materials enter the market for various industries such as healthcare, dentistry, manufacturing, engineering, education, jewellery, audio and entertainment.

The size of the global 3D printing market is estimated to increase by a CAGR of 12% to $687.56 trillion during the forecast period 2022-2025. The International Data Corporation (IDC) reports that global spending on 3D printing (including hardware, materials, software and services) rose to $23.0 billion in 2022 at a five-year compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 18.4%.

Perhaps the most value contained in the 3D printing market is that which is seldom spoken about, none other than self-replication. Yes, there are some 3D printers which can essentially print every last part that goes into the making of that specific 3D printer, which means one can print another.

Infographic created by RevPart – Plastic Injection Molding