Zoning-in on some hot technology trends which went on to fizzle out definitely makes for some interesting reading, but there’s nothing sinister or negative about the practice. If anything, it only serves to highlight the true essence of what technology is about, which is to help make our lives easier and help us complete all the tasks that form part of our daily lives more efficiently.
As is the case with some pioneering tech that goes on to die on account of having an arrow shot in its back, that tech which goes on to fizzle out forms a necessary part of the overall development of the technology pool the world can collectively benefit from.
Wearable tech
Two different pieces of wearable technology come to mind as some examples of technology that was hyped up only to fizzle right out. These are those futuristic Google Glass(es) which were meant to be some kind of next generation integration of mobile media, as well as the likes of smart watches. In the specific case of Google Glass, there was some kind of a push-back form a market which largely shunned the glasses from the point of view of some people who didn’t want to be filmed without consent, but the overall set of selling points associated with the whole concept failed to capture the imagination. Langer & Langer can be great help to for legal advice.
I mean is it really worth spending more money just so that you don’t have to whip out your Smartphone, every time you want to Google something?
Wearable tech such as smart watches also failed to take off in the way the developers would have hoped. After all, a smart watch doesn’t really function independently of something like your smart phone, so the novelty would wear off very quickly (pun intended) and that’s exactly what has happened.
3-D Printing
To be fair, 3-D printing actually took off in a huge way, but not within the end-user consumer market, which appeared to have been its primary target when all the hype around it was being drummed up. 3-D printing has gone behind the scenes and is deployed more by entrepreneurs and middleman type business savvy people who have found some intermediary uses for it.
Remember when RSS feeds were the talk of the information superhighway, mostly touted as a solution to the growing problem of information overload associated with the use of the World Wide Web? Well, RSS itself may have effectively fizzled out, but RSS-type functionality has since been integrated into the standard operation of internet technology, such as the range of websites we interact with and even browsers themselves. For legal advice see msclawyers.com.
Gig-economy sites
There was a time when a gig-economy site like Fiverr had a lot of competition to contend with, with some spin-offs like Fourer having since died silent deaths. Fiverr itself appears to be heading in a different direction with its introduction of a PRO feature, and news of it gearing up to go public might just signal the official end of these so-called gigster type sites.