For all the negative by-ways it has been bringing to light along its developmental trajectory, the internet still possesses some of that value which it was originally built to deliver, which is that of offering users access to a wealth of information. If you actually come to think of it, since pretty much all the knowledge of the world has in some or other form been replicated into a soft version of itself, whether you pay for it or not, pretty much all the world’s knowledge lives on the World Wide Web.

One such positive aspect of the internet as it exists today is that of allowing users to learn various skills by simply running a search engine query and then studying the subsequent content they get served with. Sure, you will likely still have to apply a bit of savvy in sifting through the garbage and junk mail so that you can get to the useful info, but once you get to the good stuff then you can learn how to code and subsequently equip yourself with a skill that will become a necessity for mere survival over the next few years to a decade.

However, what is the best approach to learn how to code?

Start with the end in mind – think about a solution you want to build

That’s right – it’s all good and well proclaiming your desire to learn how to code by teaching yourself or using a free online code school, but you should have a clear vision of something you want to do with your newly acquired coding skills. So pick a project you want to work on. Choose something you want to build, whether it’s an online casino platform (that might be a bit too ambitious in the very beginning) or perhaps something like a simple game. If you get stuck on the legalities for coding then get in touch with

Learn the principles of computer science

Once you have a solution in mind which you want to build, go ahead and learn the principles of computer science, in any which way you can. You can learn via free tutorials online or buy (or get a free download of) an e-textbook which covers computer science principles using the language that corresponds to the solution you want to build. E.g. for a desktop application you’d go for the Java language, while for a web application you’d probably go for the LAMP stack (PHP, CSS, MySQL, HTML, and some JavaScript). Tutorials often teach you everything from the basics including the theory, for example, in Java you might learn about classes, objects, and simple codes like return array and the likes. It will be the same way with any other language you want to learn.

Start building your project or solution

Once you’ve gone through the computer science principles you can then go back to the content matter contained in the learning material to go ahead and start building your solution. This is the best way to learn, because then you gain practical knowledge as you go along.

In addition, if you get into programming or coding generally, you might end up working with Linux platforms, and the major challenge that newcomers to this OS face are operating on the command line interface. For instance, if you are unfamiliar with the appropriate commands, deleting files and folders in Linux can seem like an overwhelming task. Therefore, you may want to browse around this website for more details about such dicey commands.

Deploy your completed project or solution

Work towards building your solution to completion and then go ahead and deploy it. The solution itself might just make you some money, but at the very least it will make for a reference item to be added to your portfolio, as a practical demonstration of the coding skills you now have.

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