Technology in Music is the application or study of any device, technique, machine or tools by a performer or a composer to create or play music; to write, notate, perform or interpret music; or to study or edit existing music or pieces. Music is said to have been evolved from the development of communication and society in general. It is often used to describe the process of creating music by human as well as animal.

Technology in Music is the mixture of art and science to bring a new form of musical creation closer to the public. This is done by professional and amateurs alike. The beginnings of technology in music can be traced to the birth of the music itself, the invention of theophone and its evolution from an analogue apparatus into the present day digital audio workstation. As this was developed further, speakers, microphones, recorders, and even computer-generated virtual surround sound systems were created.

Digital recording also played a large part in the development of technology in music. Digital recording differs from traditional methods of recording in that it uses digital means to store the data. Digital recordings, however, employ complex techniques such as digital editing to alter recordings once they have been recorded. Digital audio workstation (DAW) is an application that allows people to create, edit, record, manage and mix digital audio. Digital audio workstations are typically used by the professional composer as well as the amateurs.

A number of innovations have taken place over the years in the field of recording, and one such development is the microphone recording. Microphone recordings are those where the voice of the composer or performer is placed directly onto the recording device. The advent of the digital computer helped to streamline the recording process, and eliminate the need for costly overdubs. Another innovation in this field was the adoption of the overdub by the musical artist as a means of adding additional audio effects to their performances.

Another major development in audio recording technology has been found with the advent of ‘composition.’ This method of recording has come about because of the need of musicians to incorporate their own musical ideas into their compositions. Digital editing tools, which aid the composition process, have been developed that are suited to the needs of a Composer. One such tool is a digital audio workstation (DAW). Digital audio workstations are the preferred choice of professional composers because they produce the highest quality results with little effort on the part of the composer.

As time progresses, the advancements in technology that have been seen in the field of music recording will continue to enhance the capabilities of a Composer. New technologies are continuously being developed, and many changes have occurred that were unforeseen at one point in time. One such major change took place when digital recording became available to the public. Now, anyone, even a composer can record and create music that can be heard anywhere.